Michigan Investment Network


"Our small, early-stage company recently signed up for your service. We got numerous inquiries, several of which we are pursuing, and hopefully will find an investor partner as a result. It is almost impossible for young companies to attract investment capital in the current financial climate, but you managed to bring a number of qualified and interested parties to the table. I would recommend your service to any early-stage company seeking capital. Bruce Jones, CFO "
Bruce Jones

Investment Tips

Invest in what you know

Most private investors have at some time owned and run their own business in a specific industry. It is important to invest in things you feel comfortable with. However, it is also important to have an open mind and review opportunities that have the same underlying principles, but may be in an area of business that you are unfamiliar with. If you are a good business manager, then you should be able to make a qualified decision based on the viability of any attractive business model.

Are you investing in the person or the company?

Remember, most small businesses grow by the driving force and inspiration of the founder/owner. Get to know the owner of the business. You must feel at ease with who they are and how they do business.

High risk equals high returns

Every business investment opportunity is unique and some offer greater rewards and risks than others. The nature of private investing is, by definition, high risk. Since you will likely be presented with several opportunities from this website, look for deals you feel comfortable with and remember, ROI can be much higher than with traditional investments.

Look for passion and vision

An entrepreneur without passion and vision is on the road to failure. Entrepreneurs need these attributes to be successful while you need to recognize it in order to seize an opportunity when you see it.

Take your time with due diligence

Always complete your own research and investigation on any investment proposal. Business plans can be packed full of numbers and data and appear very appealing but sometimes the data is unrealistic. It is ultimately your responsibility to ensure reasonability.

Always think Win/Win

If any party in a deal starts to get greedy, it is bound to fail. People want to have honest partners that have the companies best interest at heart. Whether it is the initial investment negotiation or the operation of the company, always try to find a deal that is great for both sides.

Make sure your deal is in writing

Always have your lawyer prepare or review the investment/shareholder agreement and clearly outline what your responsibilities are to the business. Nothing is worse than resentment building because of what the Entrepreneur "thought" you were to contribute to a deal.

Featured Proposals

2025 Expansion

Seeking a financial partner to fuel 2025 growth. Profitable since 2024, we plan to expand by adding a vehicle, technician, and admin support, driving scalability and increased market share.

Required Amount

Minimum Investment

Presidential Edibles: Where High Meets Haute Cuisine

Presidential Edibles seeks $175,000 to cover licensing, production, inventory, packaging, & marketing costs. This investment ensures compliance, quality product launches, & brand visibility, positioning us to lead the growing infused edibles market.

Required Amount

Minimum Investment

Indoor Grow Facility - 10 Class C Licenses

Our names are Hannah and Phillip we are a family owned processor based out of Lansing Michigan. We create edible and topical products and have been selling around 1.25 million dollars in products each year for the past 3 years.

Required Amount

Minimum Investment

Expansion of our Discount Food and Discount Merchandise

We are a Discount Food and Merchandise business, have been in business now going on 3 years. We are currently in 2 separate stores next to each other, and have done well. We have an opportunity to combine both stores into a much larger facility.

Required Amount

Minimum Investment

Woman owned independent used car dealership

A woman owned independant used car dealership. I am at the start up of the business. I have a business plan and forecast.

Required Amount

Minimum Investment

Cannabis Grow

We own a current legal licensed grow facility in the state of Michigan. We are looking for a private investor or a hands-on partner. We have a operational facility with 2 lots and plenty of room for expansion,

Required Amount

Minimum Investment

Real Estate Land Development in Affordable New Housing

This is a housing development project. Building low-cost housing in areas that sell typically within 1 week or below of listing. These Homes can be built turnkey at 80k. These same homes typically sell for 300,000 or above at 2000sqft.

Required Amount

Minimum Investment

Invest in a Community Grocery Store

After 50yrs, a new location is built and moved into! We're looking for operational capital through preferred share investments and offering dividends. Must be a Mich-based business or individual investing any amount $1,000-20,000

Required Amount

Minimum Investment

Acquisition of Legal Marijuana Delivery Service

Seeking business capital to acquire operating mobile marijuana delivery service in Los Angeles,CA. The industry is consistently growing with great returns on investments.

Required Amount

Minimum Investment

Licensed ATF / TTB Broker - 30 Years Standing


Required Amount

Minimum Investment